My story with SANDS

is a story about baby loss and the birth of Little Lamb Fine Art Print

My Story with SANDS began in 2009

Even with all this support, living with baby loss can feel incredibly isolating. SANDS helped me to know and understand that I was not alone, and not only that, that they are doing incredible work to make this heartbreaking loss unknown in the future. Reducing the death rate of babies in the UK is their priority.

Living in a new city, only having moved there a couple weeks before Leia was born, without my expected baby, not knowing anyone or having a job to return to and having a toddler to care for. He was, and is still, my world. But, I needed something more. I needed to heal and to grieve and to function in the world. I needed to find my place. I needed to feel grounded. I needed to be creative. 

I’ve always known about the therapeutic qualities of creating. How creativity can ground you. How creativity can heal you. How creativity gives you the freedom to explore your emotions. How creativity can make you feel at peace with yourself, but until I’d lived through the traumatic experience of baby loss, I’d had next to no reason to lean into the therapeutic qualities of creativity. 

Joining the local print studio gave me the creative outlet and focus I needed. 

I had no idea where to start. There was no conscious decision making. I just started drawing lambs and took this one to class to become a skill screen print. It was a process I immersed myself in. I began my healing journey here, in this print studio, printing lamb after lamb until I had so many in this ‘limited edition collection’ I felt comfortable enough to take them to art & craft fairs around the country, selling to others to give as gifts and hang in their own homes. Since 2010 there have been many house moves and storage boxes. Earlier this year I unpacked my portfolios into my new studio and rediscovered the remaining 5 fine art prints of Little Lamb. They haven’t seen the light of day for the best part of a decade, waiting patiently for me to let them go. This time has come. I am auctioning the remaining 5 silk screen prints of Little Lamb. I won’t be making anymore of these so this is your last opportunity to own one.

I didn’t know it at the time but this lamb represents baby loss to me now. Thinking back to that path of grieving and healing. The process of creating this lamb helped me to heal. Little lamb helped me heal. I’m not someone who can have a photo of Leia on my wall but I do have little nods to her throughout my home, little lamb is one of them.

So, in memory of Leia I am auctioning the remaining 5 prints of Little Lamb for a cause very close to my heart. All proceeds raised will go to sands charity. 

Sands charity have been and continue to be a huge source of support to countless families across the country who have to go through the heartbreak of losing a baby. All their time and research is aiming towards making this heartbreak unknown in the future. A cause I am fully behind. 

Like life these prints are imperfect, and I obviously wasn’t in the right frame of mind at the time because they’re not numbered.  A crucial feature of anything limited edition. D’oh. I’ve also forgotten if I made 50, or 100 but it’s somewhere around there! 

These are the last 5. I haven’t made anymore since and I won’t be. The time for little lamb in my life is in the past. If you would like to own little lamb and support a good cause in the process you can make a bid over the 14th and 15th October 2023. 

Little Lamb was hand pressed in a silk screen and printed on fine art paper.

The 24 hour auction opened on Saturday 14 October, 5pm GMT for 24hours only. Closing Sunday 15 October 5pm GMT. 

All proceeds, £200, were donated to SANDS in memory of Leia. Thank you x